5 Mistakes Beginner Lash Artists Make (and How to Avoid Them!)

eyelash extensions
Eyelash extension course for beginners

The world of lash artistry is brimming with promises! But, like any new skill, there are bumps along the road. To help you navigate the learning curve, let's explore the common mistakes beginner lash artists make and how to prevent them. Here, as a leading provider of eyelash extension courses for beginners, we have compiled five such mistakes beginner lash artists tend to make and, of course, how to avoid them.


Five common mistakes made by beginner lash artists

The mistakes we have noted here are made by every novice lash artist. Let's look at them one by one.


A mishap with the glue

  • Mistake: Using too much or too little adhesive is a recipe for disaster. Too much glue can lead to clumping and discomfort for the client, while too little means poor retention and premature shedding.
  • Master it: Develop a "sweet spot" for glue application. Dip the base of the lash extension halfway into the adhesive dot, then gently drag it out. This creates a small amount of glue that will effectively bind the extension to the natural lash.


Eyepatch mistakes

  • Mistake: Improper placement of eye patches can lead to a domino effect of problems. Patches that don't fully adhere can lift inner corner lashes, creating a messy look. Additionally, patches touching the waterline can cause irritation or even a chemical burn.
  • Do it right: Choose eye patches that fit the client's eye shape comfortably. Apply them gently, ensuring they adhere to the skin below the brow bone and outer corners of the eye. Leave a safe gap between the patch and the waterline.


The Isolation illusion:

  • Mistake: Spending too much time searching for the "perfect lash" to isolate can extend application time unnecessarily. This can create frustration for both you and the client.
  • Work smarter: Remember, it is okay not to isolate every single lash. Focus on isolating the majority and work efficiently. As your skills develop, so will your isolation technique.


Placement problem

  • Mistake: Incorrect lash extension placement can compromise aesthetics, comfort, and lash health. Extensions applied too close to the lash line can irritate the eye and cause premature shedding. Conversely, extensions placed too far away create a visible gap and require faster touch-ups.
  • Find the sweet spot: Aim for extensions to be bonded 0.5-1mm away from the natural lash line. This ensures comfortable wear and optimal retention.


Brushing Blunders

  • Mistake: Over-brushing lashes after application can disrupt the bonding process and disturb the natural lash cycle. This can lead to irritation and potential lash breakage.
  • Brush with Care: Use a clean lash brush gently to groom extensions into the desired direction once the adhesive has fully cured. Advise clients on proper aftercare, including minimal brushing throughout the day.


Invest in a lash mannequin head to hone your technique before working on clients. This allows you to experiment with different lash styles and application methods in a safe, pressure-free environment.By understanding and avoiding these common mistakes, you will be well on your way to becoming a confident and skilled lash artist. Join our eyelash extension course for beginners to shine in the industry. Training Beauty & Beyond can help you get comprehensive training on every facet of lash extension.

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